Publication details

Tactical Data Analysis for Visualization in Three Dimensions



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Proceedings of the NATO Modelling & Simulation Group (NMSG) Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Computer hardware and software
Keywords Common Operational Picture; tactical data; analysis; 3D visualization
Attached files
Description Question Enhance or Replace arises always whenever is handled the request to improve or to change the functionality of existing training facilities. Existence of common operational picture is essential for creation of a common decision in command and control systems. Czech C2 system uses “common” (for ground forces only) operational picture from 1997 but only in two dimensions. Three dimensional visualization of operational picture is the key enabler to get common understanding of the battlefield situation in more natural way. The article deals with the results of the first phase of project with code name VISUAL. This project is aimed on the tactical data visualization in 3D. First phase of the project analyze in detail type of data that is available from Czech C2 system and what type of tactical data is suitable for visualization in three dimensions. The first part of article introduces the project and its motivation from military commander perspective. The second part is aimed on the questionnaire that was disseminated in the Czech Armed Forces to get the right answers and ideas about tactical data visualization as: - What type of 3D model should be used to represent the units at the battlefield? - What type of information is essential for commander? - The way of main tactical data representation. - Visualization of unit movement prediction. - The way of tactical overlays visualization in three dimensions. The last part informs about potential use of NATO Vector Graphics format to transfer tactical overlays into 3D visualization system.
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