Publication details

Non-flint industry.



Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation PŘICHYSTAL, Antonín. Non-flint industry. In Svoboda, J., ed.: Pavlov. Excavations 2007-2011. 1st ed. Brno: AÚ AV ČR v Brně, 2011, p. 168-169. The Dolní Věstonice Studies 2011/18. ISBN 978-80-86023-85-4.
Description It is described non-flint industry from the Gravettian site of Pavlov VI (south Moravia). There were found sandstone bases with traces after grinding of red colouring pigment, pebbles from Pleistocene terrace of the Dyje river, colouring pigments (goethite) and a few pieces of silicified wood.
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