Publication details

Analysis of the various procedures used in great saphenous vein surgery and benefit of Daflon 500 mg®* to postoperative symptoms.



Year of publication 2011
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Lower limb venous diseases are ranged among those most frequently occurring. An epidemiologic survey suggests that 18.6 % of adult population in the Czech Republic suffer at least from 3 different symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency but remain without treatment. Varices are a frequent manifestation of this disease. Stripping belongs among most frequent surgical methods used for removing varices. There have been significant developments in methods of operation in the last twenty years and currently varices are operated using thermoablation. Treatment methods for varices on the lower leg using endovenose thermal ablation are widely known. These methods have been compared in various studies which unequivocally stressed the advantage of one-day surgery and patients early return to everyday activities. Multicentric international studies have already proven that the results of these treatments are comparable with classic stripping. In contrast with the stripping, ablation is noted for lower numbers of complications and, if duly performed, is also safer. Despite excellent postoperative results of stripping surgery and very low complication rates, morbidity due to hematoma in the thigh and postoperative pain and edema are reported. The anti-inflammatory effect of Daflon 500 mg has been demonstrated in a number of studies.Therefore, Daflon 500 mg may improve major symptoms seen after surgery, particularly pain, and traumatic signs such as hematoma.

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