Publication details

Verbbedeutung und Reflexivierung: schwere und leichte Formen im Kontrast

Title in English Verb meaning and reflexivization: a comparative study of light and heavy marking of reflexives in German and Czech

WAGNER Roland Anton

Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description Within the framework of a comparative study, the chapter is dealing with reflexivization in German and Czech. On the basis of data from the parallel corpus InterCorp it is shown that reflexivization in both languages is a productive, even in cases of other-directed (extroverted) verbs. However, the data also suggest that reflexive constructions with extremely extroverted verbs in German are often replaced by alternative constructions, while in Czech there seems to be no restrictions imposed on the reflexivization even of extremely extroverted verbs.

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