Publication details

Kdo má dokazovat a kdo vysvětlovat ve sporech z nekalé soutěže

Title in English Who should to prove and who should give the explanation in the cases of unfair competition


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Obchodněprávní revue
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Citation HAJN, Petr. Kdo má dokazovat a kdo vysvětlovat ve sporech z nekalé soutěže (Who should to prove and who should give the explanation in the cases of unfair competition). Obchodněprávní revue. Praha: C. H. Beck, 2011, roč. 3, No 3, p. 69-72. ISSN 1213-5313.
Field Law sciences
Keywords unfair competition; the burden of proof; the evidence; the burden of explanation
Description In the legal action the plaintiff is not always able to prove the deceptive chasracter of the defendants advertisig. It is the defendent, who must give the explanation.
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