Publication details

Entanglement and new Perception of Informatics



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference AIP Conference Proceedings Volume 1384. 75 YEARS OF QUANTUM ENTANGLEMENT: FOUNDATIONS AND INFORMATION THEORETIC APPLICATIONS: S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences Silver Jubilee Symposium
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

Field Informatics
Keywords Informatics; Physics; Quantum entanglement
Description The paper is to demonstrate that Informatics (as a discipline that is much deeper in fundamentals and broader in scope than so-called Computer science) and Physics are two disciplines that, in their fundamentals, have very similar goals, and their foundational structures as well as methodologies influence much each other-what has already been reflected in such slogans as Information is physical, Physics is informational and It from bit/qubit of Landauer and Wheeler/Deutsch. The discovery that information processing is inherent in the processes of nature and the discovery of such powerful information processing and transmission resources as entanglement and non-locality have much contributed to the understanding that much broader and deeper view of Informatics is needed and that from the development of such a new perception of Informatics both Physics and Informatics are much to profit. Mutual impacts of Physics and Informatics are illustrated bellow in several case studies.
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