Publication details

Významová disperznost pojmu „romantismus“ jako klíč k jeho podstatě

Title in English The Semantic Dispersion of the Notion „Romanticism“ as a Key to Its Substance


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Literárny romantizmus
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Narrative poem as an emblem of Romanticism; Romanticism as a historically definite phenomenon; Romanticism as typological feature; Romanticism as an “eternal stream”; poetics of Romanticis
Description The author of the present study deals with the terminological dispersion of the notion “Romanticism” in contemporary literary theory. He accentuates the meaning of Romanticism as a rather “soft” variety of poetological phenomena going back to the roots of German “Romantik” quoting some new sources and special books. The author deals with Romanticism both as a concrete historical literary stream and as an “eternal” cultural feature penetrating into the literary development in its complexity.In this sense, he also mentions the problem of the romantic transformations of the former neoclassicist, normative genre system, the problem of literary character and the significance of Romanticism as a source of “new mythology”.
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