Publication details

Syntéza nanoprášků v klouzavém elektrickém výboji

Title in English Nanopowders preparation in gliding plasma discharge


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sborník 58. konference chemického a procesního inženýrství CHISA 2011
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Plasma physics
Keywords plasma generators gliding discharge plasmachemical reactor nanometric powders titanium diaoxide titanium nitride solid solution
Description This work was focused on construczion adjustements of apparatus working as high pressuregliding glow dischrge.This kind of reactor enables to synthetize nanometric powders from high-temperature inorganic compounds. Titanium chloride is decomposed in argon plasma into vapours of titatium and chlorine. During mixing with gas nitrogen then arises TiN and during reaction with air oxygen arise rutile and anatase oxides, both in nanometric sizes. The prepared nanometric TiN powderis characterized by its high melting point (3200 C) and extreme hardness (30 GPa).
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