Publication details

E-Government - cíle, trendy a přístupy k jeho hodnocení

Title in English E-Government - aims, trends and approaches to its evaluation


Year of publication 2012
Type Monograph
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Description The presented publication summarizes and dicusses trends of theoretical and practical approaches to e-government. It addresses the topic in the multidisciplinary way. Such approach is required by the complexity of e-government itself and is inevitable in order to enhance rationality of practical management of e-government projects. At first, the publication outlines existing terminology and classifications of e-government serrvices and deals with the role of e-government in theory and practice of public administration reforms. After that, specific attention is paid to development and current trends of e-government on Czech national as well as self-governmental level. In the third and the fourth part, the author introduces and discusses potential and limitations of approaches to e-government evaluation that can be found in abroad and in the Czech Republic. He also outlines possibilities of future improvements of e-government evaluation.

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