Publication details

METATOYs and optical vortices


COURTIAL Johannes Klaus TYC Tomáš

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Optics
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Optics, masers and lasers
Keywords metatoy;optical vortex;phase singularity;superfluid helium;
Description METATOYs are regular structures of optical elements that change the direction of light rays according to various generalized refraction laws. They may introduce discontinuities into transmitted wavefronts and create ray fields that do not have wave-optical analogies. We show that in such cases optical vortices are created during propagation and that this is in close relation to the properties of the rotations of superfluid helium. We also analyze the vortex density for a particular example of a METATOY.
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