Publication details

Cyklosporin A v terapii toxické epidermální nekrolýzy

Title in English Ciclosporin A in treating toxic epidermal necrolysis


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Dermatologie pro praxi
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Surgery incl. transplantology
Keywords Toxic epidermal necrolysis; ciclosporin A
Description Toxic epidermal necrolysis was first described by Alan Lyell, a Scottish dermatologist, in 1956. Taht is why nosological entity is also referred to as Lyell s syndrome. It is an extremely rare disease chracterized by extensive epidermal necrolysis and systemic toxicity. Only an early diagnosis, immediate initiation of treatment, good-quality nutrition and wound care along with accurate microbiological monitoring can improve the prognosis of patients with this disease. We report a case of severely affected young Vietnamese woman treated with ciclosporin A.

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