Publication details

Evaluace kartografických znakových sad v kontextu osobnosti uživatele

Title in English Evaluation of cartographic symbol sets in the context of user’s personality


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Geodetický a kartografický obzor : odborný a vědecký časopis Českého úřadu geodetického a kartografického a Slovenského úradu geodézie a kartografie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords Cognitive style evaluation experimental testing map symbol symbol sets
Description Quality of decision making processes – i.e. speed and correctness of deciding – when solving various emergency situations (natural disasters, industrial accidents, etc.) depends among other things on quality of used visualization of spatial data. At the same time, most decision making tasks in such situations contain spatial aspect. In the paper, a study is presented in which two versions of symbol sets created for purposes of dynamic visualization of spatial data in the area of emergency management are compared. The symbol sets were evaluated from several view points. A test was compiled and in its first part perceptional aspects of symbols were analyzed. This part was focused mainly on the ability of symbols to attract attention of users (localization of symbol in map). In the second part of the test, associative characteristics of symbols were studied. The test also included a psychological section in which preferred cognitive styles of respondents were investigated. The aim of testing was to determine which symbol set is more suitable for the given purpose and whether suitability of any symbol set depends on cognitive styles of users.
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