Publication details

Identity Problems, Solvability of Equations and Unification in Varieties of Semigroups Related to Varieties of Groups

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KLÍMA Ondřej POLÁK Libor

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Algebraic Foundations in Computer Science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field General mathematics
Keywords identity problems; equations; unification; varieties of semigroups; varieties of unary semigroups
Description In this survey we consider three kinds of algorithmic questions concerning varieties of semigroups. We are interested in identity problems, in the solvability of a system of equations and in the structure of all solutions of a given system. We study them in significant varieties of semigroups, monoids, groups, completely simple semigroups, completely regular semigroups (in particular semigroups satisfying the identity x^r=x) and involutary semigroups (in particular star regular semigroups and inverse semigroups).
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