Publication details

Změny, které přinesla tvorba a práce podle ŠVP.

Title in English Changes which accompanied school based curriculum development at Czech vocasional schools.


Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The chapter concentrates on the curricular reform of vocational education in the Czech Republic. The main focus lies in the problems of implementing curriculum into practice in schools. In the chapter, findings of a research project are presented, that consisted of a series of structured interviews with headmasters, SEP coordinators and teachers at pilot secondary vocational schools. Concerning the changes that schools registered in connection with the reform, pilot-school teachers perceived that the majority of schools made use of the freedom that their SEPs brought and put emphases on their specific field and regional contexts. Some respondents noted that the development of the SEP brought changes into the way the school was managed, because teachers now had their say in the process of SEP development. Working on the SEP also brought closer cooperation between the school management and the teachers and between the teachers of different specialisations. Many schools also report improvement in the relationship with pupils and their parents. The research also showed that teachers began to think more about the aims and content of curriculum and also reflect their own work, which brought changes to the overall approach to instruction (e.g. using different teaching methods) and shifted emphasis towards the pupils.

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