Publication details

Poznámky k aktualizaci seznamu nemocí z povolání.

Title in English The list of occupational diseases in the Czech Republic- new occupational diseases


Year of publication 2011
Type Special-purpose publication
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The author informs about History of the list of occupational diseases in the Czech Republic., Which dates back to 1932. It revers to Government decree No 114/2011 which replaces Government decree No 290/1995, which defines the list of occupational diseases. Both the european list of occupational diseases from 2003 recommended to member states of the EU, and proposal of International labour office from 2010 became source of updating. With effect from july 2011 the list is extended to 6 new occupational diseases. In conclusion the author briefly inform about a long-term downward tendency of occupational diseases in the Czech Republic and their spectrum in 2010.

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