Publication details

Speciální andragogika jako součást edukace v sociální práci

Title in English Special Andragogy as a Part of Education in Social Work


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference In: Ondrušková, Elena, Koscurová Zoja (eds.) Realita a vízia sociálnej práce
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords social work; special education; special andragogy
Description Social work as a social science focuses on supporting people in critical points of their life career or on pathological development of life career. Throughout life, each individual meets with many professionals from so called helping professions, who influence him institutionally and functionally. The Social Services Act 108/2006 Sb. stipulates that a social worker may by qualified by completing university studies not only in social work, but also in special education. New study specialization Special Andragogy in the study program Special Education has been accredited in consideration of this act and also demand from the practice. The aim of this study specialization is to prepare special teachers for education of adults, direct special education and counseling work or managerial work in the field of education, state administration and non-profit and non- governmental organizations. The article analyzes the situation of education of social workers in the Czech Republic and the perspectives of the study specialization Special Andragogy.

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