Publication details

Individuální přírodní krajinné jednotky Česka a jejich hierarchické zařazení i názvosloví

Title in English Individual natural landscape units of Czechia and their taxonomy


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Fyzickogeografický sborník 9, Fyzická geografie a životní prostředí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords natural landscape division - individual landscapes - natural landscapes of Czech Republic
Description Individual landscape units represent unique combinations of mutually balanced characteristic area features recognized as products of natural factors only. Elementary spatial units create more complex higher units respecting their common features. Every natural landscape unit presents also unique physical-geographical feature, distinguishing itself from other neighboring units. The units on the individual levels were identified using the complex physical-geographical division procedure ”from the top to the bottom” down to the level of the landscape sub-region, the most detail units were distinguished with respect to local landscape pattern. The article presents results of geographical research.
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