Publication details

Das ABGB und das tschechische Zivil- und Handelsrecht

Title in English ABGB and Czech civil and commercial law


Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Citation BEJČEK, Josef. Das ABGB und das tschechische Zivil- und Handelsrecht (ABGB and Czech civil and commercial law). In Geistlinge/Harrer/Mosler/Rainer(Hrsg.) 200 Jahre ABGB - Ausstrahlungen. 1st ed. Wien: Manz, Wien, 2011, p. 169 - 181. ISBN 978-3-214-17786-7.
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Description Inspirational spirit of the 200 years old Austrian Civil Code (ABGB)has been gradually transformed into generally socially shared norms even without their formal legal anchoring in the present. The principles of the ABGB have been even declared by the Czech Constitutional Court to be a part of the Czech legal order. A kind of secondary emanation of the ABGB occurred in the late thirtees of the 20th century in the form of a draft of a modernized Czech Civil Code that has never come true due to the international developments. A tertiary emanation is to be observed nowadays in terms of preparatory works on a fundamentally new Czech Civil Code. ABGB is still now -after 200 years of its adoption - an important benchmark of all newly borne civil law codifications.
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