Publication details

Diskuse o pojmu a pojetí trestného činu v České republice musí pokračovat

Title in English Discussion about Concept and Conception of the Crime in the Czech Republic must go on


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Rekodifikovaný trestný zákon a trestný poriadok – analýza poznatkov z teorie a praxe
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords guilt; criminal sanctions; concept of crime; conception of crime
Description This contribution describes and analysis last development of discussion about concept and conception of the crime in The Czech Republic in the context of the new Penal Code and offers the short comparison with the situation in the Slowak Republic. Conclusion: In The Czech Republic the crime becomes subject of discussions out of area of criminal-law theory too. This is very desirable trend to mutual benefit of thing.

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