Publication details

Le vin dansThe Quebec Gazette-La Gazette de Québec

Title in English Wine in The Quebec Gazette-La Gazette de Québec


Year of publication 2011
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The first bilingual, english-french, newpapers The Quebec Gazette – La Gazette de Quebec was published in Quebec in 1764-1873. They represent an important source for the study of Canadian society and language at the 18th and 19th century. The Editors founders from the first number reserved sites for and five to various newspaper advertisements. The most frequent and repeated advertisements reported the arrival of merchant ships from Europe, offering imported goods. Wine was one of the essential commodities. In our paper we will focus on informations related to wine: its origin, type, quantity, mode of transportation, … , published in The Quebec Gazette – La Gazette de Quebec.

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