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Publication details
Význam znalosti krajinných štruktúr v krízovom manažmente
Title in English | Value of knowledge on landscape structure in disaster management |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2011 |
Type | Article in Proceedings |
Conference | Časovo-priestorové aspekty regionálních štruktúr ČR a SR |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Field | Earth magnetism, geography |
Keywords | natural - economic - human and spiritual landscape structures - disaster management |
Description | The landscape structures (natural, economic, human and spiritual) participate in processes of disaster management. Regardless only analytic maps on individual nature and society features are sometimes applied in the decision making in disaster management, these features are involved into the disturbing process not as an individuum but as a part in an integrated systems. The present disaster management uses mostly topographic data for various spatial solutions in the course of the operational phase. Short-, medium-and long-term decisions need a wider range of thematic maps. If they are visualized in an integrated way (fig. 1), they promise much more useful information in its spatial and synergetic relationships. 3D way of presentation the same information (fig. 2), regardless its higher complexity can support right decision making among publics as well. |
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