Publication details

Zkušenostně reflektivní učení a komfortní zóna

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Title in English Experiential reflective learning and comfort zone


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace: odborný čvrtletník a zpravodaj České pedagogické společnosti
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords experiential reflective learning comfort zone Kurt Lewin’s theory of personality; experiential learning
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Description The article deals with the issue of experiential reflective learning. Firstly it aims to discuss the concept of comfort zone in this area. It goes beyond the usual definition of the domestic comfort zone and it reflects in terms of experiential reflective learning in the world. The conclusions point to possible parallels with the concept of comfort zones and K. Lewin theory. Overall, the article focuses on topics that help to expand the view on the issue of comfort zone.
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