Publication details

Notes on distribution of Bombus cryptarum (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in Moravian territory (Czech Republic) and its laboratory rearing.



Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Acta univ.Agric. and Silvicult.Mendel. Brun.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Výskyt a chov Bombus cryptarum v letech 2006-2010
Field Zoology
Keywords Czech Republic;Moravian territory; faunistics; rearing; bumblebees; cryptic species; Bombus cryptarum
Description B. cryptarum and B. magnus are among the so-called cryptic species whose identifi cation is very diffi cult due to high interspecifi c variability of their morphological characteristics. This greatly limits possibilities for studying their biology, bionomics and ecology. The aim of this research was to contribute to knowledge about distribution of B. cryptarum in Moravia (Czech Republic) and to verify the possibility of its laboratory rearing. During 2006–2009, 26 collections were performed at Moravian localities. Of the 17 specimens that were assigned to B. cryptarum or B. aff . cryptarum based on morphology, the molecular analysis of mtDNA RFLP confi rmed the identifi cation of 10 speciemens. The molecular analysis even assigned to B. cryptarum one specimen determined morphologically as B. aff . magnus. Of four queens captured in spring, and while applying a laboratory method used for breeding of B. terrestris, two complete nests were successfully reared, including queens of the 2nd generation that then set up their own brood. Species identifi cation of these queens as B. cryptarum was confi rmed by both molecular analysis and analysis of the marking pheromones of males among their off spring. A single B. terrestris worker was able to raise 5 young queens of B. cryptarum of the brood.
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