Publication details

Študentské rádiá - nerozpoznané vzdelávacie inštitúcie prevýchovu k občianstvu

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Title in English Student radios - unrecognized learning institutions for learning for citizenship


Year of publication 2011
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This article aims to explore student radios, which offer inclusive environment for informal learning and special space for citizenship education. Student radios are considered as an instrument for democracy and informal learning, because democracy is closely linked with education and media. Radios are participatory, community focused, the aim is to explore how production here generates informal learning. Paper is build on empirical data from three student community radios - Slovakia, Czech republic and Great Britain gathered by participant observations, informal and semi-structured interviews. Data present philosophy of radios and describing learning processes here, which results to learning for democracy (hierarchy, sense of belonging, communication and media literacy). Data are supported with theoretical framework consisting of overview of educational, political and media studies.
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