The Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD): a new resource for vegetation science
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2011 |
Type | Article in Periodical |
Magazine / Source | Journal of Vegetation Science |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
web | Fulltext on Wiley Online Library |
Doi | |
Field | Botany |
Keywords | Biodiversity; Data sharing; Ecoinformatics; GBIF; Global change; Macroecology; Metadata; Phytosociology; Relevé; Scientific reward |
Description | Question: How many vegetation plot observations (relevés) are available in electronic databases, how are they geographically distributed, what are their properties and how might they be discovered and located for research and application? Location: Global. Methods: We compiled the Global Index of Vegetation-Plot Databases (GIVD;, an Internet resource aimed at registering metadata on existing vegetation databases. For inclusion, databases need to (i) contain temporally and spatially explicit species co-occurrence data and (ii) be accessible to the scientific public. This paper summarizes structure and data quality of databases registered in GIVD as of 30 December 2010. Results: On the given date, 132 databases containing more than 2.4 million non-overlapping plots had been registered in GIVD. The majority of these data were in European databases (83 databases, 1.6 million plots), whereas other continents were represented by substantially less (North America 15, Asia 13, Africa nine, South America seven, Australasia two, multi-continental three). The oldest plot observation was 1864, but most plots were recorded after 1970. Most plots reported vegetation on areas of 1 to 1000 m2; some also stored time-series and nested-plot data. Apart from geographic reference (required for inclusion), most frequent information was on altitude (71%), slope aspect and inclination (58%) and land use (38%), but rarely soil properties (<7%). Conclusions: The vegetation plot data in GIVD constitute a major resource for biodiversity research, both through the large number of species occurrence records and storage of species co-occurrence information at a small scale, combined with structural and plot-based environmental data. We identify shortcomings in available data that need to be addressed through sampling under-represented geographic regions, providing better incentives for data collection and sharing, developing user-friendly database exchange standards, as well as tools to analyse and remove confounding effects of sampling biases. The increased availability of data sets conferred by registration in GIVD offers significant opportunities for large-scale studies in community ecology, macroecology and global change research. |
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