Publication details

Testování jako forma hodnocení cizojazyčné kompetence

Title in English Testing as a form of assessing foreign language communicative competence


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bezpečnostní teorie a praxe
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Linguistics
Keywords language testing; foreign language competence; communication
Description The article is focused on the development of theory and practice of language testing, on the types of language tests – depending on the purpose of testing, on the quality of the tests and last but not least on the ethical aspects of language testing. The article presents selected historical aspects of the language testing theories, analyses partial socio-linguistic and psychological approaches, and outlines communicative and post-communicative approaches to language testing. The authors draw on Europe-wide adopted documents, they mention the importance of using information and communication technologies in testing foreign language competence. For clarity the text includes schematic views of selected constructs.

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