Publication details

Prevalence a rizikové faktory hepatitidy C v romské populaci v Brně

Title in English Prevalence a risk factors of hepatitis C in Roma people in Brno


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Klinická mikrobiologie a infekční lékařství
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Epidemiology, infectious diseases and clinical immunology
Keywords Roma people; Brno; hepatitis C; risk factors
Description Background: Assessment of hepatitis C prevalence in a representative sample of Roma people in Brno and determination of the main risk factors of this disease. Material and methods: The questionnaire with 27 questions was prepared for this project. The questions were focused on basic demographic data and risk factors significant for possible transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. Results: The data from 415 respondents were collected. The detection of anti-HCV antibodies in capillary blood was done together with assembles of the questionnaire. In case of anti-HCV positivity the detection of HCV RNA by polymerase chain reaction in venous blood was done. The main results are following: 1 the employment rate is in Brno Romany population very low (14.3 %), 2. almost 86 % respondents had only elementary education, 3. prevalence of HCV infection was 4.3 %, it is many times higher than in general Czech population (0.2 % in the year 2001), 4. intravenous drug administration and former imprisonment were the significant parameters associated with HCV infection, 5. heroin abuse prevalent pervitin (metamphetamine) abuse especially in unemployed men in the age under 20, 6. heroin abuse was associated with higher risk of HCV infection than pervitin abuse. Conclusions: Hepatitis C is in Brno Roma people much more frequent than in general Czech population mainly due to more frequent drug abuse in this ethnic minority.

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