Publication details

Příprava budoucích učitelů na rozvíjení klíčových kompetencí žáků na jednotlivých úrovních vzdělávání: kooperace, participace, konsekvence. 1. díl. Sborník příspěvků z pracovního semináře, který se konal dne 9. června 2011na PedF MU v Brně.

Title in English Preparation of Teacher Trainees for Development of Key Competences of Pupils at Individual Educational Stages: Cooperation, Participation, Consequences. 1st part. Collection of Contributions from the 2nd workshop which took part on 9th June 2011 at Facul


Year of publication 2011
Type Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The publication is a collection of papers which were reported at the workshops of resolvers of the project called Preparation of trainee teachers for developing key competences of pupils at individual education levels: cooperation, participation, consequence (number MUNI /A / 1024 / 2010). The collection contains 18 contributions of students of the doctoral study programme of pedagogy and 6 contributions of academic employees - trainers of these students. The authors analyse teachers' subcompetences and indicate suggestions to their formation during study. A number of contributions is based on results of empirical inquiry.
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