Publication details

Polékové dermatologické katastrofy v ambulantní praxi

Title in English Dermatological drug disaster in outpatient practice


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Referátový výběr z dermatovenerologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Citation LIPOVÝ, Břetislav, Nora GREGOROVÁ and Michaela FIAMOLI. Polékové dermatologické katastrofy v ambulantní praxi (Dermatological drug disaster in outpatient practice). Referátový výběr z dermatovenerologie. Praha: Czechopress agency s.r.o., 2011, vol. 53, No 4, p. 35-40. ISSN 1213-9106.
Field Surgery incl. transplantology
Keywords toxic epidermal necrolysis Stevens-Johnson syndrome outpatient practice drigs
Description Toxic epidermal necrolysis was first described by Alan Lyell in 1956. Just as Stevens-Johnson syndrome we include toxic epidermal necrolysis to a group of so-called burn-like syndromes. For both syndromes are characterized variously extensive skin and mucosal exfoliation, which is caused apoptotic process in the dermo-epidermal junction. Apoptosis is induced by a variety of pathophysiological processes, which plays an important role in calcium homeostasis dysregulation, the secretion of TNF- alfa and the CD95 systém (Fas-ligand, CD95L, and Fas-receptor, CD95R). Today, many authors still believe that Stevens-Johnson syndrome is just another clinical manifestation of the same immunological process as Lyell s syndrome, which causes minor skin necrolysis in the dominant mucosa disabilities. The aim of this study is to define most risk drugs commonly uses in everyday clinical practice, from the perspective of developing exfoliative syndromes such ad toxic epidermal necrolysis and Stevens-Johnson syndrome. The greatest emphasis is placed on the article timely and adequate diagnosis of these syndromes, which can sometimes be difficult, but it is absolutely essential in improving the prognosis of patients so affected.

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