Publication details

Todo modo: Hechos y palabras en la poesía de la experiencia

Title in English Todo modo: Deeds and Words in the Poetry of Experience


Year of publication 2007
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (University of Liverpool)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords Other sentimentality marxism Javier Egea Bourdieu
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Description The first part of this article analyses the ideological connections between ‘Poesía de la Experiencia and the poetic movement ‘La Otra Sentimentalidad’. ‘La Otra Sentimentalidad’ was a literary movement that sprang up in Granada at the beginning of the 80s as a result of the merger of philosophy and literature. The movement, which was grounded in radical anti-system politics, attempted to create an ‘other’ form of expression in literature in order to transform the dominant ideology, positing literary discourse as one of the main instruments through which to create ‘the imaginary’. However, the movement was short-lived. This article analyses the ideological reasons underlying its disappearance, and the resultant re-confi guration of the literary landscape in Granada. The movement known as ‘La Poesía de la Experiencia’ (or los experienciales) was the outcome of an ideological adjustment after it was assumed that the original project had failed. The second part of this article concentrates on the analysis of some of Javier Egea’s poems, one of the most important representatives of ‘La Otra Sentimentalidad’ (along with Luis García Montero and Álvaro Salvador). It focuses on Egea’s endeavour to put into practice the ideas initiated by ‘La Otra Sentimentalidad’

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