Publication details

Systémy sociální kontroly a právo jako významný nástroj sociální kontroly v pozdně moderní společnosti

Title in English Systems of Social Control and Law as an Important Instrument of Social Control in Contemporary Postmodern Society


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Sociálna a ekonomická integrácia a dezintegrácia v bezpečnosti jedince a spoločnosti.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Social control;traditional society; modern society;post-modern society; social norms
Description The author defines social control, presents an overview of the systems of social control and contemplates its role in post-modern society. The topic of social control reflects the relationship of the individual and society, the degree of respect to the given social order on one hand and the degree of power - enforceability on the other hand. Contemporary society is characterized by, inter alia, cultural disintegration of the regulatory system and increasing frequency of partial regulatory systems. Law remains one of the most important regulatory systems at the level where it is possible to integrate a diverse multicultural society, because it has a special role in binding decisions and conflicts, and in the case of its violation, the right to impose sanctions.

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