Publication details

Uptake and transport of PAH fluoranthene in pea

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Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference MendelNet 2011 - Proceedings of International Ph.D. Students Conference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

web Plný text sborníku konference MendelNet2011
Field Physiology
Keywords PAH; 14C-fluoranthene; uptake; transport; Pisum sativum;
Description The aim of our study was to assess the root uptake of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) fluoranthene (FLT), its transport and distribution in 10 days old seedlings of Pisum sativum L. during 30 hour exposure period using its mixture with 14C-labelled fluoranthene (9:4 n/n). The hazardous pollutants (PAHs) represent important group of environmental contaminants and FLT belongs to the most frequent ones. Obtained results demonstrated that pea seedlings were able to take up the FLT via roots from the nutrient solution already after 2 hours of exposure period and transport it into plant shoots. After 30 hours of exposure the highest content of 14C-activity in shoots was found in basal part of stem and the lowest in its apical part. This study showed that toxic organic compounds like PAHs are taken up by plant roots very quickly, transported from roots to shoot, accumulated in plant tissues and therefore they can affect various biochemical and physiological processes in plants.
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