Publication details

Selhání imunity nebo pouhé fluktuace systému? Malé zamyšlení nad vztahem akademického světa a pseudovědy medicínské i jiné

Title in English Immunity Failure or Mere Fluctuations of the System? Contemplating Relations between the Academic World and Pseudoscience in Medicine or Elsewhere


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Anthropologia Integra
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Biophysics
Keywords alternative medicine; universities; pseudoscience
Description The contribution offers some reflections on present state of perception of alternative medicine and pseudoscience in the society and namely in the academic milieu which is documented by some examples of academics failures published in media lately. The author gives an indication that these relatively frequent faults could be caused by only formal identification of some academics with the paradigm of modern science.

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