Publication details

Interview mit Britta Hufeisen

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Title in English Interview with Britta Hufeisen

SORGER Brigitte

Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The scientific discourse with the expert in the tertiary language learning is first aiming on the main research results after approximately twenty years analyzes: we have arrived at the conclusion that English is generally more suited as L3 which has been documented on many investigations with learners of various mother tongues. We also know that so far, teacher training and teaching practice have paid little attention to previous knowledge of learners, be it in the area of learning strategies, findings of language theory, or intercultural learning. In the second part of the paper we describe practical experience as well as results of research which demonstrate the expediency of promoting multilingualism. The paper is finalized with theses, how multilingualism has to be considered at planning the curriculum and designing language policy.
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