Publication details

Postavení standardů v koncepčním rámci předškolního vzdělávání

Title in English The role of Standards in the conception frame of the pre-primary education


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Předškolní vzdělávání v pedagogických, psychologických a sociálních souvislostech
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords standards; pre-primary education; quality
Description The presentation describes genesis of the creation of the standards of pre-primary education. It analyses the outcomes from the discussion proceeded on the Methodical Website of the Research Pedagogical Institute in Prague. The discussion brought very contradictory notions. Author reflects the standard's role from perspective of the conception frame of pre-primary education. She tries to answer the question how the prepared document can help to the pre-primary teachers to improve their work. It is indicated that the present form of the document doesn't correspond with the standards concept either of higher school levels or the needed of the kindergartens (how it was heard in discussions on the Methodical website).

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