Publication details

Nezemědělská povaha životního způsobu spišských Romů : stereotypy a realita

Title in English Non-agricultural patterns in way of life of Romanies living in Spiš region : stereotypes and reality


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source AntropoWebzin
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Romanies; Gypsies; Spiš; Slovakia; nature; agriculture; stereotypes; way of life
Description Opposition to majority’s agricultural-like way of life could be – according to some anthropologists (e. g. M. Stewart) – the most fitting interpretative frame for gypsy identity. My contribution tries to find out, whether is this perspective appropriate for the context of gypsy settlements in Slovakia. Study is based on the field research. It concentrates at first on issue of major stereotypes, where gypsy represents the most complex image of stranger. Gypsies are considered that way mainly because of the missing connection to land and soil. In the settlements the study looks for the roots of relative absence of agricultural patterns. It describes aspects contradict to the major way of life and it tries to show differences between traditionally settled Roma and traveling ones. Text concludes with discussion about three areas that might have connection with agriculture: strategy of solving everyday problems, relationship to conservation and dynamic of consumption.
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