Publication details

Vzdělávání a příležitosti k profesnímu rozvoji kariérových poradců v ČR

Title in English Training and opportunities to professional growth of career counsellors in the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Kariérové poradenství v České republice
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords career counsellor; training of career counsellors; education opportunities
Description Non systematicness in education of career counsellors ran into three parallel but only little laced files of requirements on pre-gradual and further education of career counsellors in the 21st century in the Czech Republic. The main benefit of the text consists in comparison of requirements towards education of career counsellors - pedagogic staff at schools and school institutions with results of an analysis of study programs Psychology and selected fields of study program Pedagogy and implemented activities in the framework of further education of career counsellors.

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