Publication details

Johannes Malalas: Weltchronik Übersetzt von Johannes THURN (†) und Mischa MEIER (bearb.) mit einer Einleitung von Claudia DROSIHN, Mischa MEIER und Stefan PRIWITZER und Erläuterungen von Claudia DROSIHN, Katharina ENDERLE, Mischa MEIER und Stefan PRIWITZ


LOUDOVÁ Kateřina

Year of publication 2010
Type Survey and educational texts
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The review deals with the first German translation of John Malalas’s Chronicle (more exactly, it is its first complete translation – some portions of Book XVIII had already been translated by O. VEH, Prokop, Perserkriege, Munich 1970). It is the latest in a series of translations of Malalas’s Chronicle or its passages into modern languages.
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