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Jak vypadají "státnice" z pedagogicko-psychologického základu v programech Učitelství pro střední školy na PřF MU?

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Title in English How do the "final exams" in the pedagogical-psychological basis in programs Teaching for secondary schools at Faculty of science look like?


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Učit se učit
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KOBÍKOVÁ, Zuzana. Jak vypadají "státnice" z pedagogicko-psychologického základu v programech Učitelství pro střední školy na PřF MU? (How do the "final exams" in the pedagogical-psychological basis in programs Teaching for secondary schools at Faculty of science look like?). Učit se učit. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta, 2012, vol. 2012, 3 pp.
Keywords education of future secondary school teachers, statesmen, pedagogical-psychological basis, Jaromir Hališka
Description Students of master programs Teaching at the end of the study awaits final state examination (FSE) from a common pedagogical-psychological basis. Are you interested in how such a test look like? What form do tests? What is the time to answer and when they learn the results? Magazine Learning to learn through the stories we tell from this year's "final exams" that students accompanied by teacher Jaromir Hališka.
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