Publication details

Pegmatity s molybdenitem u Skalska na Jílovsku, Česká republika - historie, geologie a mineralogie

Title in English The pegmatites with molybdenite near Skalsko on the Jílové area, Czech Republic - history, geology and mineralogy


Year of publication 2010
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords granitic pegmatites; molybdenite; Central Bohemia Plutonic complex; Skalsko; the Jílové area; central Bohemia; Czech Republic
Description This paper summarizes historical knowledge of pegmatite occurrences in the vicinity of the Skalsko near Jílové u Prahy (central Bohemia, Czech Republic) and presents the results of a new field and laboratory research. The pegmatites are spatially and genetically bound to western part of Hercynian intrusion of biotitic granodiorite of the Požáry type (I - type granite), which forms a part of Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex. Pegmatites, similary as aplites and aplitic granites, usually form subhorizontal embedded bodies with zonal structure with a predominance of granitic and blocky units. A part of pegmatite veins is characterized by anomalous accumulations of molybdenite (average content of about 0.19 wt. % Mo) and thus represents a unique type of Mo ores in the Bohemian Massif. Pegmatites have relatively simple mineral composition: K-feldspar, albite, quartz, molybdenite, biotite, occasionally muscovite, fluorapatite, monazite-(Ce), xenotime-(Y) and rarely tourmaline. Older authors mostly assumed the molybdenite origin in younger hydrothermal stage; the results of this new study confirmed that molybdenite is an integral part of pegmatites.

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