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Soulad mezi projektovaným a realizovaným kurikulem jako faktor kvality vzdělávání v tělesné výchově

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Title in English Congruence between projected and realized curricula as a factor of physical education quality

VLČEK Petr MUŽÍK Vladislav

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká kinantropologie.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords Quality of education; quality of physical education; goals of physical education; physical education conception; physical education curricula; revision
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Description The current transformations in the Czech educational system are often associated with the term quality. There are different collocations used such as quality of education, quality of school, quality of curricula, quality of instruction etc. It is talked about the quality of a particular school subject and logically, the aim of the reforming process is to raise the quality in these educational subjects. However the quality in education as a scientific issue is not thoroughly elaborated from the theoretical point of view. Thus in the paper we present some perspectives on the evaluation of the educational quality in the context of physical education. We introduce some factors influencing the quality of education and we point out the changes resulting from applying different physical education conceptions and life values. Based on the quality of education model designed by Egger et al. (2002) and based on the research conducted by the authors of the article we try to identify the factors of the quality of physical education which we consider to be crucial for the planed revisions of the projected physical education curricula.
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