Publication details

Vybrané techniky sběru dat v prostředí krajní pravice

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Title in English Chosen Data Gathering Techniques in the Area of the Far Right


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Rexter - časopis pro výzkum radikalismu, extremismu a terorismu
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords data gathering
Description The article discusses possible data gathering techniques in the research of the far right. Far right is very specific area for research and very hard to explore. Many research papers and analysis are based more on description and normative judgements, or case studies.Relevant and objective data sets are missing. This article introduces data gathering techniques that can be used in this area and that are able to bring valid data. Their strengths and weaknesses are discussed as well. Two levels of data gathering techniques are followed: qualitative and quantitative research, and primary and secondary sources of data.
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