Publication details

"Líp jste si ani vybrat nemohli!" Reprezentace suburbanizace v americkém filmu

Title in English Representation of Suburbia in American Movies


Year of publication 2011
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

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Description After the Second World War suburbia became widely popular in Western mass housing culture. As such phenomenon they also found their place in public discourses on good living and in the popular film. As the houses were constructed in the city outskirts, also the specific ways of imagining the homes, families and suburban landscapes were constructed in the minds of people and performed in thein everyday lives. Suburbia work both as signifier and signified, they are represented in the part of American filmography, usually in ambivalent, mostly negative way, and as such they also stand as representations of modernity and its contradictions. The text, based mainly on the meta-analysis of academic papers concerning the images and narratives of fictional suburbia, aims to introduce the topic to the Czech reader within the broader context of the debate on the meaning of home, housing and space in the contemporary society.
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