Publication details

Variabilita vodních opaskovců (Clitellata) na slatiništích vnějších Západních Karpat

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Title in English Variability of aquatic clitellates in outer Western Carpathians spring fens


Year of publication 2012
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description Variability and diversity of aquatic clitellates was studied in outer Western Carpathians spring fens (Bílé Karpaty, Moravskoslezské Beskydy, Kysuce a Orava) on the gradient of mineral richness and geographic gradient. Clitellate assemblages composition changed preferably along the poor-rich gradient and substratum composition (indirect analysis DCA). This gradient was also connected with the latitude gradient, which was caused by the position of sampling sites, which is connected with geology. The second independent gradient which sorted mineral poor sampling sites, was amount of fine organic matter and ammonium ions released during organic matter decomposition.
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