Publication details

Česká postindustriální krajina

Title in English Post-industrial Landscape of the Czech Republic


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Životné prostredie : revue pre teóriu a tvorbu životného prostredia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Field Earth magnetism, geography
Keywords post-industrial landscape - identification process - typology - Czech Republic
Description The procedure of the identification of post-industrial landscapes on the territory of Czech Republic is demonstrated in the paper. Commonly accessed data sources (on brownfields, contaminated sites, mining points and areas, human made landforms, industrial and landfill sites etc.) were applied in this procedure. The total number of 105 post-industrial landscapes (larger than 5 sq km) was mapped. Their genetic classification and typology is demonstrated on 45 bigger (more than 10 sq km) post-industrial landscapes. Their detail outlines and knowledge about their content is being required by decision makers.
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