Publication details

Linear Modelling of Cardiovascular Parameter Dynamics during Stress-Test in Horses



Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Clinician and Technology (Lékař a technika)
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Stress-test examination in horses, ECG signal parameters, stationary process, transfer function, AR model
Description This paper deals with a processing of ECG signal parameters and modelling the parameter dynamics during the stresstest in horses. The standard Box-Jenkins methodology was applied for the linear model design. The order of the AR model (equal to 6) was estimated according to properties of autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation functions of the ECG parameter time series. Further, frequency responses of the model systems as well as distribution of their poles and zeros were determined for different stages of the stress test examination. The preliminary examination of the computed data and their dynamics indicates that they can carry useful information for evaluation the health and fitness conditions of the examined horses. All the computational procedures were implemented in MATLAB®.

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