Publication details

Vizuální prostředky pro výuku reálií: výsledky analýzy učebnic němčiny

Title in English Visuals for teaching culture: an analysis of German as a second language textbooks

PEŠKOVÁ Karolína

Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Pedagogická orientace
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Citation PEŠKOVÁ, Karolína. Vizuální prostředky pro výuku reálií: výsledky analýzy učebnic němčiny (Visuals for teaching culture: an analysis of German as a second language textbooks). Pedagogická orientace. 2012, vol. 22, No 2, p. 243-265. ISSN 1211-4669. Available from:
Field Pedagogy and education
Keywords visuals; teaching culture; German language textbooks; system of categories; curriculum
Attached files
Description The study presents results of a quantitative analysis of visuals for teaching culture in German language textbooks. The research sample consisted of four textbooks for teaching German as a second foreign language at lower secondary schools. The results showed some tendencies which the textbooks have in common, particularly concerning types and contents of the visuals. On the contrary, the main differences between the textbooks were identified in functions of the visuals. Based on the findings of the analysis some tips on improving the textbooks are suggested at the end of the study.
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