Total number of publications: 3613
ARCHÉOLOGIE DU DISCOURS AMOUREUX Prototypes et régimes de l’amour littéraire dans les traditions galloromanes médiévales
Year: 2024, number of pages: 512 s.
Armenophobia : art, scholarship, and Russian colonial policy at the turn of the twentieth century
Year: 2024, edition: Vyd. 1.
Biculturation, Bilingualism and Orality in the Deperipheralization of Cuban-American Literature.
Year: 2024, number of pages: 20 s.
BioMedical Visualization: Past Work, Current Trends, and Open Challenges
Year: 2024, number of pages: 161 s.
Calculus of Variations on Fibred Manifolds and Variational Physics
Year: 2024, number of pages: 305 s.
Centers and Peripheries in Romance Language Literatures in the Americas and Africa
Year: 2024, edition: Vyd. 1, number of pages: 637 s.
Citizens, Participation and Media in Central and Eastern European Nations
Year: 2024, number of pages: 168 s.
Czech Republic: IEL Family and Succession Law
Year: 2024, edition: Vyd. 3 aktualizované, number of pages: 284 s.
Czechoslovakia at the World’s Fairs. Behind the Façade
Year: 2024, number of pages: 298 s.
Čas neandertálců = Time of Neanderthals
Year: 2024, edition: Vydání první, number of pages: 315 stran