
General Information

The external representation of the academic traditions at Masaryk University, is introduced by academic ceremonies among which are matriculation and graduation ceremony.

Matriculation is a ceremonial act, which represents the admission of a student to the university academic community. Part of the matriculation ceremony, is the student’s matriculation pledge, the content of which is mentioned in the faculties‘ statutes.

Graduation ceremony is a ceremonial act, during which the graduates of study programmes are awarded a university diploma including their achieved academic title and a diploma supplement. Part of the ceremonial act is the graduate’s pledge, the content of which is also mentioned in the faculties‘ statutes.

Matriculation and graduation ceremony for graduates of bachelor study programmes take place with the present of the faculty dean, the vice-deans, the bedel, and the promoter. Graduation ceremony for graduates of master’s and doctoral study programmes take place with the present of the rector or some of the vice-rectors on his behalf, the dean, the promoter and the competent bedels. During academic ceremonies, academic officials are dressed with gowns and insignia. Students are dressed with formal dresses, only the graduates of master’s and doctoral study programmes who passed the state rigorous exam wear black gowns.

The ceremonies take place mostly at the MU Aula (at the Faculty of Law).

MU ceremonies schedule for the year 2024

The ceremonies shall be held only in favorable epidemiological situation, in accordance with the effective government resolution and the university traffic-light system.

For exact information please contact your faculty office for studies.


Date Faculty Place
10. 9. Edu in the faculty premises
16. 9. FEA in the faculty premises
16. 9. FSpS Ball sports hall, UKB
3. 10. FSS FSS Aula
4. 10. Law MU Aula
10. 10. Arts MU Aula
14. 10. Pharm in the faculty premises
16. 10. Med UKB Aula
16. 10. Sci MU Aula


Date Faculty Place
4.–5. 3. FEA MU Aula
7.–8. 3. Arts MU Aula
13. 3. Edu MU Aula
14. 3. FSpS MU Aula
18. 3. Law MU Aula
20. 3. Sci MU Aula
21.–22. 3. FI MU Aula
21.–22. 3. FSS FSS Aula
21. 6. Pharm MU Aula
24.–28. 6. Med MU Aula
1.–3. 7. Law MU Aula
15.–18. 7. Sci MU Aula
19. 7. FI MU Aula
22.–24. 7. Arts MU Aula
23.–24. 7. FSpS Ball sports hall, UKB
25.–27. 7. Edu MU Aula
29.–31. 7. FEA MU Aula
17.–19. 9. FSS FSS Aula
10. 10. FEA (MFTAP) Nová radnice (New Town Hall)
Dominikánské nám. 1, Brno
21. 10. Law MU Aula
22.–23. 10. Arts MU Aula
24. 10. FI MU Aula


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