What are CORE courses?
CORE courses are part of the Common University Courses for which students are not expected to have prior expertise. They are courses with a capacity of approximately 100 students enrolled, are one-semester, assessed by a colloquium, and are graded with 3 credits.
Students can take the CORE courses as an extension of their field of studies, to see what is being taught in other faculties and to earn credits for electives. It is recommended that students take at least 3 courses not related to their field of studies (a mathematician can investigate the history of music, a linguist can immerse themselves in the mysteries of bioethics, etc.). For some degree programmes, CORE subjects may be selective.
Why should I take a CORE course?
There are several advantages of taking a CORE course. In addition to getting a sneak peek at a completely different discipline than that you came to study, you also have the opportunity to meet students and faculty from other disciplines and make new colleagues and friends. Another indisputable advantage is that these courses are designed for "non-disciplinary learners" and the teachers adapt their teaching and form of instruction accordingly. You don't have to be afraid to choose a course in a discipline in which you are a complete layman.
What specific CORE courses can I enroll in?
You can find the current course offerings in the IS MU in the Course Catalogue or in the registration templates.
You can choose courses from the following four subject areas:
1. The World in the 21st Century: Civilization in a Global Context
Are you wondering what (geo)political, economic, cultural, technological and environmental factors have shaped the world today or in the past? Are you interested in how the role of the public and its activities are changing on issues such as elections, individual interests, education, health and environmental protection? Enrol in a course in this subject area!
- Jak Číňané vnímají svět: Čínské vize pro 21. století
- Globální problémy lidstva
- Svoboda projevu
- Svět (podle) filozofek
- Homérské eposy jako bestsellery globální literatury
- Civil Society and Human Rights in Eastern Europe
- American Cultural Influence in the Global Era
- Švédsko v 21. století: aktuální společenské otázky a trendy
- A Story of Freedom and Democracy
- Archives as Interdisciplinary Databases for the 21st Century
- Armed Conflict and Regional Security in the 21st Century
- Art and Culture in Central Europe
- Behavioural public policy
- Biodiversity in context
- Celebrities in the 21st Century: Character and Functioning
- Climate change - causes, effects and possible solutions
- Communism in the 21st century in Asia
- Critical thinking
- Cultural history of beer
- Czech for 21st Century
- Digital data in Social Sciences and Humanities
- Economic style of thinking
- Election Odyssey: How to Understand the Elections
- Ethics and Information Technology
- Fundamentals of the global world of finance
- Gemstones and precious metals in 21. century
- In the mesh of nature and artificial intelligence
- Inequalities in 21st century societies
- Information Society
- Information Society and Law
- International institutions in globalised world
- Is China a Superpower? Politics and Society in Contemporary China
- Languages in and around us
- Law and Religion
- Leadership for the 21st Century
- Legal Thinking
- New and unusual religions - threat or opportunity?
- New psychology in the 21st century
- On the battlefields of the information war. Disinformation and manipulation as a power tool in a post-factual world
- People's Participation in Public Administration
- Planetary industrial resources
- Preparing people, science and society for 2060: the intorduction to gerontological literacy
- Public health and public health care
- Smart city and quality of life
- Software Development: from an idea to working solution
- Sport in/behind the Mirror of Society
- Success story or betrayal of a dream? Czech democracy in a global context
- Sustainable development
- Sustainable development
- The economic context of sustainable development
- The Fundamentals of Design Thinking
- The Law and Practice of International Organizations
- The Law and the Individual (Both Non-entrepreneur and Entrepreneur) in the Regionally and Universall
- The paradigms of the Russian foreign policy
- The rise and fall(?) of the West
- The Roots of Modern Czech Law
- Two World Wars: The Intertwined Conflict and its Legacy
- Universal design - inclusion of alterity - accessibility
- Water for modern human society
- We and Others. Otherness as a cultural construct
- Work, Law, and Modern Society
2. Man between nature and culture
Are you interested in looking at human existence from a variety of perspectives? Do you want to discuss the interrelationships between biological, social and cultural factors of human life (e.g. in the fields of education, verbal and non-verbal communication, art, etc.)? Take a course in this subject area!
- Fyzika v živé přírodě
- Jíst a být
- Pád říše nebo zrození Evropy?
- Adiktologie
- Evoluční fyziologie člověka
- A shared world: on the coexistence of humans and plants
- Approaches to the scientific understanding of language
- Bioethics I: Ethics of Life
- Biosocial anthropology: the nature of the human species and its variability
- Community and lifeless nature in the Central Europe
- Contemporary Art and Society
- Cooperation and competition
- Death as a topic of social sciences
- Environmental problems and collapses of ancient civilizations
- Experiencing the World - Psychology of Cognition, Emotion and Motivation
- Experiments on humans: experimental methods for understanding human behaviour and thinking
- Hidden secrets of karst areas
- How it is built ... aka from a dog house to a nuclear power plant
- How to read from a textbook of historical cultural landscape
- Human and Digital Technologies
- Human Societies: Past, Present, Future
- Humans as a cultural species: Introduction to interdisciplinary research
- Media and Society in the 21st Century
- Migrations through languages and literatures
- Multicultural Brno as a place of stories
- Music in Postmodern Society
- Musicology as a human centered discipline: culture, science, technology
- Nature versus culture? Humans and Art in the Anthropocene
- Philosophy in sci-fi
- Philosophy on the meaning of life
- Plants in Health and Disease
- Psychology of personality traits
- Roots of European culture
- Senses: from reception to perception.
- Sex, gender and society
- Strolling through Europen Children and Teeage Literature
- The History and Artistic Representation of Perfume in European Culture
- The Transformation of Christian Europe
- Transformations of the stories - between theatre, film and musical
3. Advances and limits of scientific knowledge
Do you want to learn about different advances in knowledge in the natural sciences? Is it interesting for you to see how cognitive and explanatory paradigms and general assumptions of scientific knowledge of the world are changing? Enrol in a course in this topic area!
- Šarlatánství v medicíně
- Biochemie v běžném životě
- Trendy v technologiích analýzy lidského pohybu
- Fenomén parazitismu
- Astronomie lidem
- Large Language Models in Practice
- Matematika pro nematematiky
- Moderní technologie pro studium života
- Psychedelika ve vědě a terapii
- Advances and Challenges in Modern Biology
- Bioethics II: Borderline Options
- Biological Mathematics
- Climatic changes and their reflection in the development of life on Earth
- Data – the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything...
- Drug Design is not about a Fashionable Drug Box
- Global health
- Guide to Contemporary Philosophy
- Historical tourism across medicine and natural sciences
- Chemistry and Society
- Interculturality and Multilingualism in Bohemian Lands
- Into the world of biomolecules
- Mathematics as a part of culture
- Roboethics: from RUR to Artificial Intelligence
- Science – the greatest project of mankind
- Science and Society
- The Stories of Science: Cancer
- The Stories of Science: Gene
4. Skills and competences for life
Do you want to develop important competences such as analytical and critical thinking, entrepreneurship or a capacity for lifelong learning? Are you interested in understanding the issues of social responsibility and sustainable development or how to become an active citizen? Enrol in a course from this topic area!
- Mýty a omyly ve statistice
- 6x on the meaning of citizenship
- Diachronní přístup k logickému zpracování informací
- Mapová gramotnost
- Jazykově (a kulturně) senzitivní komunikace
- Nepřátelé a spojenci: nebojme se parazitů
- Zajímavá fyzika
- Jak předat ostatním to, co víme. Základy lektorských dovedností.
- Každodennost v kyberprostoru: návod k přežití
- Šarlatánství v medicíně
- Medikační pochybení
- Didaktické dovednosti pro každou příležitost
- Creativity learning and information literacy
- Rational Reasoning: Informal Logic and Critical Thinking
- DATA-A: Datová analýza pro každého
- Koučovací minimum
- Academic Ethics
- AI revolution: artificial intelligence as an opportunity and a threat to society
- Basics of successful business
- BIOHACKING - a lifestyle upgrade
- Creative Writing
- Developing Critical Thinking: A Practical Approach
- Digital competence and its development
- Fifty Shades of Truth: between making an image and constructing modern propaganda
- Financial wellness
- Fundamentals of Argumentation Analysis
- Information literacy course
- Insight into Media Newsrooms: News and PR
- Insights into Czech Literature from Its Beginning to the Present
- Intercultural (Mis)Communication: Bridging the Global Divide
- Law and Financial Literacy
- Lifelong learning and growth: the key to success in the 21st century
- Logic for Everyone
- Medicines in Everyday Life in the 21st Century
- Practical psychology and communication
- Practical rhetoric
- Social health over gold
- Taxation and Tax Law in Practice
- The Basic Legal Knowledge for Business
- The basics of marketing